Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Search Bubble

Book by DuckDuckGo creator I am a fan of Google. I will admit that. I use them for all my info searches. But I should be aware that as Google tracks my searches and my likes, etc, the filter bubble I'm creating by liking things will affect the results I get. There's an info-graphic reminding me about this created by a Google competitor (I'll keep the source in mind too). So I thought I'd just stop by here and list a few other search engines to try whenever I'm getting too Google focused.

I need to keep in mind that there are other search engines that search a defined area, such as just Jobs, or just Real Estate. Wikipedia has a list of these specific search engines.

You may note that Bing and Yahoo are not on here. I don't Bing and while the Yahoo interface is nice, as I understand, the results come from Bing.

1 comment:

Superbrarian said...

The same article I read about filter bubbles also mentioned the following resources as good for targeted searching, though I wouldn't consider them search engines in the slightest:
http://www.politickerusa.com/ - real time tracking of Politician's tweets
http://tunein.com/ - listening to radio stations from around the world for news and learning new languages.