Sunday, August 10, 2014

Storytelling Resources

In the pursuit of some online self instruction of storytelling, a (thwarted) attempt to pin an image from a blog post on building stories in video games led to a video (embedded below) which led to the very funny YouTube channel Glove and Boots. The channel per se doesn't have anything to do with storytelling unless I wish to treat G&B as inspiration for how to tell funny stories incorporating popular culture. (Which I do.)


The oh, so fantastic image that I could not pin (read the corresponding content at the above video games stories link):

A cool storytelling resource list (I can delete it from my tablet now) maintained by Elizabeth Fig, Ph.D. of the University of North Texas: Storytelling SLIS 5440, with such interesting topics as:
  • Breathing for Public Speaking!
  • FAQs and Tips
  • Digital Storytelling
  • Oral Traditions
  • Curriculum for Teaching
  • y mucho más!

A selection from the poem Lord of the Isles. I've been looking for this from when I was a biobay tour guide- a way to begin and capture the imagination when introducing bioluminescence. (Because selling things is actually telling a story. (well duh.))
Awak’d before the rushing prow,
The mimic fires of ocean glow,
Those lightnings of the wave;
Wild sparkles crest the broken tides,
And flashing round, the vessel’s sides
With elfish luster lave;
While far behind, their livid light
To the dark billows of the night
a blooming splendour gave
From Lord of the Isles (1815)
By Sir Walter Scott