Thursday, January 8, 2015

Making More Maps

So yesterday my boss says to me, "Necesito cuadrar cuantas millas y cuanto tiempo para hacer una excursion en bici:
  1. saliendo de la Ceiba, 
  2. para la Laguna Kiani, 
  3. dando la vuelta por los bunkers, 
  4. bajando a las ruinas del central Playa Grande, 
  5. regresando a la costa norte, 
  6. pasando por Rompeolas 
  7. y terminando en la Ceiba."
So I swapped in my clipless pedals, put fresh batteries in my Garmin GPSmap 62 unit and went for a ride. As it turns out, for a 14 mile ride that was totally fun, hit all the great spots and was fairly moderate with only one toughie hill that was toward the end. Two hours later I plug my Garmin into my computer, spend some time puzzling through the instructions at GPSVisualizer (not because they are hard, just because it was my first time and I was learning some new terminology) and at the end of the day, I created this: 

After all that work, I deserve a treat. Like chocolate! Next step is to add pictures! But I'm going to do that tomorrow.

1 comment:

Superbrarian said...

there's an XML standard for sharing GPS information with applications called GPX: GPS eXchange. It may be found at: