Monday, December 7, 2015

Herons, from your calf to your chest

As an amateur birder and interpretive nature guide, I like to include information about the most common and the special birds we can see on my tours in Vieques. When I started studying the local birds a bit more I was surprised to find out that our group of herons range in size from 12 inches to 45 inches give or take a few.

It inspired me to create an info graphic comparing those birds to an "average" height person of 5'6" (66 inches). I collected the height information for the birds from the book Aves de Puerto Rico by Biaggi, published in 1970, and from the Cornell Institute's All About Birds page.

I then took some source photographs (off the Internet) and put them into Inkscape (the open source version of Illustrator) and I silhouetted them by drawing an outline, creating a path from the outline and then filling in the path with black. From there I created a chart, first using Open Office's Write program and overlayed the silhouettes on the chart's bars, proportionally re-sizing them by eye to the appropriate dimensions. I did fact check with my local FWS office regarding how the measuring of birds is done in field guides (from their feet to the crown of their head).

Afterwards I recreated the chart in Inkscape again so that the whole thing could be re-sized to whichever dimensions were needed without the image becoming pixelated (I saved it as a vector file: .SVG-plain so that it could be imported into Illustrator by another graphic designer).

And there you have it!

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