Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Reading What My Boss Reads

I remember reading or hearing somewhere that if you want to move up in the (corporate) world, read not what is expected of you (to get your job done), but rather read what your boss reads. This way you are already familiar with the vocabulary and issues your boss faces and if you ever find yourself alone with said boss, you could possibly talk with her/him about something of their interest. And that sort of initiative could translate into tracking up. Hence my association with Library Administrator's Digest.

A few brief columns stood out to me in the April 2013 issue:
  • Using LibraryExtension.com to see if your local library has a book that you find on Amazon. Genius! Issues are that it only works on Google Chrome (is that really so bad?) and that not all libraries support browsing their catalog in this third party app. (Sac Public does (and with ebook search!), my current system does not).
  • Staff Training Options- one library system is encouraging staff to share what they learn and saw from either reading a professional literature book or from visiting a library. The second option really stands out to me because it supports collaboration by using our library allies in other jurisdictions to glean ideas for programs and services.

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