Friday, February 24, 2012

Info 621 Virtural Worlds

This week we are studying virtual worlds. I totally want to create a Sutter's Fort virtual world, (I'd also like to earn a paycheck to do it, hah! Wishing.), as a Library Services and Technology Act project, with the goal being to create a 3D world that the kids could explore and "manipulate" the objects to learn about that time in history. There are supposed to be lots of virtual worlds for kids and I should probably look into them, too.

Anyhoo- the blog,, has a list of links that look interesting and helpful:
You can also develop a game in second life... I wonder if you can make the Sutter's Fort experience game like with tasks...? "Your goal is to survive the winter. You must grow your crops, make your tools, fortify against the elements, etc."

Other Resources:

Articles about Sutter's Fort as sources of information:

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